All of Unilab Svoltastudenti’s articles collected together, concerning the latest news from the CNSU and the Ministry of Universities and Research. The aim of the page is to periodically report on all the initiatives we carry out, both in terms of representation within the Ministry of University and Research, and as a national association. In fact, we are active on the national territory thanks to the Members. They are part of the association in the universities of 13 Italian regions.
The representation issues we pursue are the fruit of internal dialogue between realities. In fact, here you can find an extract of this activity, with the fruits it has brought. We are confident that this modus operandi can give voice in the best possible way to students from all over Italy. It happens through their student representatives in Courses of Study, Schools or Departments and Academic Senate or Board of Directors.
Scroll down to find the history of all our news, publications and articles with an extract of our views and advocacy activities.
If you are interested in our association you will be happy to know that we are open and always looking for new people to join us.
Contact us on our social media to find out more or at
Indirect elections – CNSU November 2013
The two intense days of the November National Council of University Students (CNSU) meeting, which…
2013 CNSU Inauguration – Press release
The two-day inauguration of the 2013 National Council of University Students (CNSU) has come to…