
Unilab Svoltastudenti brought a motion regarding Irasmus internal mobility to the meeting of the National Council of University Students in December 2021.

The motion on Irasmus internal mobility asks:

  • the Minister for Universities and Research, asking for new information on the proposal and on the possible progress of the work. It is asked considering that it is of fundamental importance to intensify relations between Italian universities, especially in view of the current historical period and the significant economic resources available to the country, which can be allocated to such projects.

This motion is a repetition of what we requested two years ago from the Minister. We sent a CNSU motion two years ago and we are waiting for a reply. Here are the specific requests we made.

Specifically, we are calling for the establishment of a fund to support and promote the project, protecting all universities indiscriminately so that they can join freely.

Some details of the proposal:

  • period of study: Irasmus can be carried out during the three-year degree course, the master’s degree course or in a single-cycle course;
  • duration: the maximum duration is 12 months per study cycle, chosen either cumulatively with the international mobility programmes or solely for Irasmus;
  • limitation of CFU obtained externally: each university reserves the right to impose a maximum number of CFU that can be obtained at a university other than the one to which the student belongs;
  • Universities adhering to the Irasmus programme: each university can decide to adhere to the network of universities that are part of the programme;
  • where to sit the exams: in one of the universities belonging to the network that will be formed;
  • which exams can be taken: any exam that is part of your study plan, for which there is a corresponding or similar exam in the university of destination;
  • selection in case of limited number of places: in order to meet the needs of students who, for various reasons, are excluded from the Erasmus programme, a first-in-first-served selection criterion would probably be preferable; as an alternative, we suggest the one already in place for Erasmus.

Carlo Giovani

Students Representative in CNSU and CUN (2019-2022)

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