Erasmus+ e Brexit

Erasmus+ with BrexitFor immediate release

Title: Letter from university students on Erasmus+ with Brexit

3rd of January 2021

Unilab Svoltastudenti and Confederazione degli Studenti send a letter to European and Italian politicians asking for attention to the Erasmus+ Programme in the context of Brexit.

In view of Prime Minister Johnson’s latest statements, which see the Erasmus+ programme being overtaken by the launch of the Turing Scheme1, they call for a commitment to champion the cause and become its spokesman before it is too late: It is in order to give real hope to the more than three thousand Italian students2, and even more to the approximately thirty thousand3 European students, in order to maintain solid cultural and educational exchange relations with the United Kingdom.

The letter is addressed to David Sassoli, President of the European Parliament; Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission. Also to Gaetano Manfredi, Minister for Universities and Research; Luigi Di Maio, Minister for Foreign Affairs. 

“We want to represent the point of view of our generation and of those to come. This is so that the opportunity to study in the UK can continue to enrich the cultural background of Italian students. The time to prevent Britain’s doors from closing forever to our students is now. We, in spite of everything, do not want to stop pinning our hopes on education,” the students who signed the agreement said. 

The issue was also brought by us to the National Council of University Students (CNSU). It was done with a motion.
We received a response, published here.

Unilab Svoltastudenti

Carlo Giovani – Matteo Giugovaz


Who we are: Unilab Svoltastudenti – The Italian Students’ Union and Confederazione degli Studenti are associations and representative bodies. They are non-partisan and non-denominational. Active respectively since 2013 and 1995 throughout the country. They work in ministerial bodies and, with their members, in the academic bodies of many universities in Italy. Four pillars are essential in their representative activities for the development and growth of the Italian university. Those are merit and quality of education, access to the world of work during the university course, internationalisation and guaranteed accessibility to the highest level of education thanks to the Right to Education.

Contact details: Unilab Svoltastudenti – La Students’ Union Italiana
Instagram:; Email:
Confederazione degli Studenti; Instagram:; Email:

2 Erasmus+ Programme – Annual Report 2019 – Statistical annex

You can also find a copy of the release here:

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