Unilab Svoltastudenti brought a document to the meeting of the National Council of University Students in May 2021. The motion concerns the vaccination of students leaving for international mobility.

The motion concerning vaccination of outgoing international mobility students calls for:

  • when drawing up the vaccination plan for university students, priority should be given to those who have to travel abroad. This is because they are participants in international mobility programmes (Erasmus+, Erasmus Traineeship, Exchange, etc.);
  • the administration, with regard to these subjects, can be carried out at the appropriate time so that the coverage is effective from the moment of departure. Therefore, particular attention should be paid to this aspect if the destination is non-EU;
  • depending on the student’s preference, the vaccine can be administered at the ASL district of the university’s location or, alternatively, at the district of the student’s residence;
  • if approved, there should be timely dissemination of this option to all students; so as to encourage the resumption of international programmes at pre-crisis rates and in safety.

Vaccination for such young people is not currently provided for. However, we think it would be a good idea to allow our compatriots to travel abroad with peace of mind. We think, however, that it is a good idea to allow our compatriots to travel abroad with peace of mind and to be covered against any health risks associated with the current pandemic.

Carlo Giovani

Students Representative in CNSU and CUN (2019-2022)

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