The National Council of University Students has tabled a motion calling for the establishment of a fund to guarantee the free redemption of degree years for social security purposes.

Specifically, the CNSU proposes to set up a fund to guarantee the free redemption of degree years for social security purposes:

  • calls on the Ministry for Economic Affairs and Finance, in agreement with the Ministry for Universities and Research, to set up a fund within the budget law soon to be approved and to allocate ordinary resources with a view to guaranteeing, free of charge, the institution of degree redemption for pension purposes, in relation to the normal duration of one’s degree, given the solutions and procedures already provided for by law.

In 2021, the cost of redemption for each year of a degree is € 5264.49. This is a large sum for a recent graduate, net of the legal duration of a cycle of studies. In fact, a graduate with a Bachelor’s and a Master’s degree (5 years of legal duration) will have to pay more than €26k. Considering also the very long prospects for retirement, the establishment of free redemption would be a proposal for young people to consider.

Carlo Giovani

Students Representative in CNSU and CUN (2019-2022)

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