Communication from the National Council of University Students (CNSU) to the students and the university world would be of great importance. It would give maximum dissemination to the work of the body, the National Council of University Students. We therefore brought a motion to ask for more attention and the funds strictly necessary to reach students and inform them about the activities of the council.

Specifically, we asked about the communication from the CNSU:

that the CNSU equips itself with communication tools that are appropriate to the times in which students live and capable of reaching the university population.
In fact, the CNSU proposes to:

  • renew the CNSU website, making it easily accessible to all: the site should contain all the information concerning the CNSU;
  • create social pages (Facebook, Instagram, etc.) to provide information on the activities carried out within the Council, inform about the initiatives undertaken by the body and, more generally, publish content of interest to the student community.

These channels should fulfil the following purposes:

  • to inform students about the purpose of the CNSU, its activity and its functioning at institutional level;
  • providing information on the activities carried out by the Council at each session, publishing the texts of motions passed and decisions taken;
  • to provide information of relevance to the student community more generally.

The management of these channels must be entrusted to an official appointed by MIUR. If this is not possible, the CNSU Presidency Office must manage these social profiles.

The Ministry of Education, Universities and Research (MIUR) must provide the funds strictly necessary to cover the costs of such an operation.

We hope that this will happen as soon as possible, certain of the sensitivity of the President of the CNSU towards our request.

Carlo Giovani

Students Representative in CNSU and CUN (2019-2022)

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