Unilab Svoltastudenti brought a motion regarding Green Pass and Vaccinations for university students to the July 2021 meeting of the National Council of University Students.
The motion concerning Green Pass and Vaccinations for university students asks:
- that universities be provided with precise, clear and up-to-date information on the safe conduct of teaching and teaching-related activities (e.g. canteens, cafeterias, lecture theatres, university residences), in consultation with the competent bodies and the Ministry of Health;
- to set up a fast track for vaccination bookings for university students who have not yet been vaccinated;
- to guarantee the continuity of university activities in presence, recognising the centrality of education for the community. This in every type of risk zone, at least for those in possession of Green Passes in cases where the pandemic curve is higher.
We believe that education and university should be given a central role, recognising the importance of presence. In fact, we think that allowing students to choose is a sign of respect. But allowing attendance is a sign of consideration for the youngest, who have chosen to train. So we hope that the right importance is given to our training, young citizens.
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